
Aout Ishrat Ansari


Humor and Satire in Lahore and Karachi, Pakistan( 1960s)

Ishrat Ansari, During 1960s,he  was graduated First Class in elite 100 year old Government College UniversityLahore,   Punjab University.

During school and college days, Ishrat had writing humor in poems and articles when he was editor weekly college journal (gazette)  and

editorial board to  literary magazine, the Ravi. In the early1970s, Ishrat had  the  honor in getting permission to write humor column, in Pakistan and later New York  in the respected  weekly, “Outlook”, edited by Columbia University based Mr I.H. Burney. While Ishrat Ansari had decided to move  from Karachi, Pakistan to settling to  New York in 1973. The decision was to  writing humor column in New York and Ishrat felt it was more conducive to cultural and literary environment of Greenwich Village.  As Ishrat Ansari’s first humor column written in New York, The weekly “Outlook” was banned by repressive regime, prompted by bold and articulate articles of Mr. Burney. The news was widespread of freedom of press. Senior correspondent of” New York Times”, Mr. Bernard Weinraub,commented banning of “Outlook”as ” one of the most articulate political weekly of the sub-continent.”

As a historical note, the last humor colum, one  survived by Ishrat Ansari.



Humor and Satire in New York( 1970-2,0018s)

Th Republic of Greenwich Village, below 14th St. in New York has no physical but some cultural boundaries where artists, writers, poets, musicians and free thinkers have mostly dwelled for over 200 years. Its streets, buildings, alleys, eateries and cafés have riveting stories about people who have enriched modern day America.

Out of many such places there is a small literary magazine founded by Ishrat Ansari and named as Parsley-Sage, in 1970s and music venues founded by Ishrat Ansari, named caffe Vivaldi, in 1980s./

From 1970s to 1980s, my friends and I have met for over two decades sharing our short stories, my humor poems, paintings and music.

When we first met we wrote on paper and used rotary phones. It seems that in a blink we have moved from typewriters to laptops. It is so much easier to share your creative stuff with many more people now than ever before. encouraged, recently I started blog humor and satire, www.satyrycal.me/ That is what I am doing. Hope you like it.

God bless!
-Ishrat Ansari