Humor & Satire: Unsolved Mysteries

For a long time, NASA had  notorious facts   under wraps. it is initial credo:   N ever  A  S straight Answer.
Mysteries, mysteries and mysteries.
Let me explain.
Anna Wintour, publisher of Vogue magazine, and her Haute Couture collections,  lives in style  on  Sullivan Street.  Over the years,  She came to visit to her house – twice, with President Obama. On a presidential visit,  it was under tight security on the street. But the visit had no news on any radio or the New York Times about president’s visit. Under normal circumstances, the president of the united states, everything news  is covered – even at  the White House; the commander – in- chief sneezes about news  as an  earth shattering event!
To work on  resolving mysteries,  Perhaps the denizens of Greenwich Village may come forward.
To give you  an  idea,  the village people mostly prefer to  live below I4th Street. They have cultural life style peculiar to New Yorkers; the attractions to dine, live music, entertainment and enduring street foods.  Nobody ever like  the villagers venture tread to much maligned  food chains such as McDonald’s. A few days ago, there was a small celebrations. According to the NY Times,  “Mar 2, 2007 – The city’s heath department had shut down three Pizza Hut … the KFC/ in Greenwich Village that was infested with rats. …”
After the news, a  hugely popular Joe’s Pizza on Carmine Street ,it was happily delivered slices.
The villagers congregate here. On the downside, when in the 1970s, the rents in the village had  sky rocket. It was a dent, but it did not deter to them. They  started to commute from Manhattan to Brooklyn by subways instead.
On a daily basis,The Villagers rarely drive. They would rather walk or some ride  bicycles . Parallel parking  was an anathema on Bleecker Street or MacDougal Street.  Long lines of eateries are living histories. Just a  striking example,  in the early 1970s, the  syrian take out,” Mamoun”s falafel on famed MacDougal street, has been constantly long lines, even today! Long lines are a constant feature. Sushi place on Thompson Street, Ice cream on Bleecker street – and yes! It is on Joe’s Pizza and  John’s  Pizza!  Established over 100 years, the lines did not thinned out on Bleecker Street. Constantly celebrities come in and out, such as Al Pacino,
Woody Allen,  Richard Geer and myriad movie actors. Even  astronauts  venture out to pizza tastings. The pizza is so delicious and heavenly  that is out of the world!
Perfect example that it could be a plan……..Track back a little,  do you remember Neil Armstrong ?  On July 20, 1969 , he was a first human and
alongwith pilot Buzz Aldrin, Both Americans, two  humans, landed on the moon.
On Apollo 11, the Mission commander Neil Armstrong,  the  The moment his set foot on lunarspace, he saw that he had also  radio contact and said,
he might be aliens! It  was instantly shut down and kept Nasa could tight isolation. No  TV  interviews, or publicity in the press until, poor chap, died.
On the other hand, the rumor has it that the  aliens warned to get out and never to come back to lunar earth.
Perhaps, the aliens had so dire warnings that NASA never to try lunar landings.
Back to the Greenwich Village,  regular village people  had some suggestions to viable choice. They come up a novel idea : we should persuade to NASA for lunar landing. We should specially  prepare pizza pies  and deliver to the  moon for gift to aliens. After all the aliens are intelligent beings. The pizza are  so tasty. Naturally  the aliens would get a gratis treat. So the argument goes, since the pizza heavenly tasty,  the  aliens, may relax and reconsider the allow aliens. Thus NASA themselves  chronically constipated might release moon landings. Perhaps the open communications, courtesy pizza pie, and thus solve real aliens and solve mysteries.
Next,  about unsolved mysteries. Now, how about howlers on Mars?   Do you remember ,many of us in the  high school days we did Rorschach test? Just to refresh the definition, “The Rorschach test is a psychological test in which subjects’ perceptions are recorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation.”  Well, this is 21st century and now a day and age, ordinary social media seem to be going overboard most senses.  The facts are, there are no evidences in mars of water, trees,( tree stump? ) ices and there is  no “evidence” fish in the barren, desolate, martian wasteland.  About trees, we poor earthlings know very well about trees and millions, upon millions trees. I And water?  Oceans upon oceans what  water is.  Nothing definitive. Photos are beamed across from mars to earth. not any sense of hi res.. Even van Gough went to mental asylum and then got painted to show that it makes any sense to come out with  what sunflower is!
The only conceivable rock hard evidence of mysteries, there might be some space technology. I might be the Rocket launcher could go from mars to earth.  the  Hardware scrapes enough ice; collect and bring them to earth. At last finally, the ices are converted to earth and sell in public  to tastings as Martian ice cream. This could be one way of unsolved mystery.
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  1. Ege

    I love it!
    – best wishes from Istanbul

  2. Michael S

    Pizzas to the Moon, ice cream to Mars, rats in Greenwich Village, and a clueless “president” sits at the White House contemplating mysteries… Great stuff!


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